Claire Hsu

Full-stack software engineer

About Me

I am a product-driven software engineer, dedicated to crafting delightful user experiences and building seamlessly with my team. I strive for a light touch both in terms of aesthetics and clear, minimalist code, and am always eager to experiment with new technologies and different design patterns.

I have experience building across the full stack for web and mobile, including creating RESTful APIs, designing database schemas for structured and semi-structured data, and engineering responsive, progressive and accessible user interfaces.

Some of my favorite tools for accomplishing this include: HTML5, CSS3, SCSS, JavaScript (ES5/6), Node.js/Express, jQuery, React, Angular, Git and Webpack.


Portfolio site for multi-medium artist Zejian Shen


Interactive domestic violence resource guide for San Francisco Women Against Rape


Alumni community CRM/CMS built on the Nationbuilder platform

Native iOS auto listing aggregator built with React Native, Node.js and MySQL


Social platform for discovering and recommending local services built with the MEAN stack

Contact Claire

Feel free to email me to provide some feedback on my projects, to offer suggestions for new ideas, or to just say hello!